Global & Innovation
Create the world to which people want to belong!
■ Global Human Resources
Development of global human resources has been a necessary condition to survive and various organizations have made so much effort on the issue however what are real global human resources?
Human Skills Academy have worked with many nationalities in the international scene over two decades and once again kept asking what requirements are to develop Japanese people as global human resources. Speaking other languages is not sufficient, rather there are some more important things for Global human resources such as; respect and curiosity for cultures, flexibility for difference, compassion, toughness, humor, determination, persuasion, ability to letting go sometimes which we strongly believe we can learn.
Human Skills Academy offers you some unique programs which cover wide range of the knowledge, skills and mindset.
【Contents of main program】
It is common practice to arrange briefing sessions prior to create special programs for company training which respond precisely to requirements of each company. We herewith state basis of our global human resources training as following;-
• Being aware of thinking preference, taste and behaviour pattern
• Experiencing culture created by combination of the above-mentioned aspects, particularly thinking preference which is opposite to yours (Exercise made for United Nation staff)
• Management style depending on culture
• Ideal leader depending on culture (Excellent leader in America is different to the one in Japan)
• Experiencing various leadership styles
• Cross culture communication (Correct reaction more than words)
• Stress Zero Program against cultural gaps
• Public speaking, self-expression, unforgettable way of speech
• Training for expats (Special training taking into consideration of culture of appointed countries)
• Training for expats’ family
■ Cross-cultural management
According to the recent research of 500 influential companies in the world conducted by Fortune Corp., the most necessary and important nature of future business strategy is cross culture management ability and 85% of the interviewees recognized lack of such human resources.
【Cross- cultural management skill】
Being aware of thinking preference which is based on cultures
Being able to respect the differences and even enjoy them
Keeping own cores in different cultures and being able to express themselves
Stress management skills and good communication skills
Charm, humour, curiosity and so on
<Problems caused by difference of cultures>
Now that contact with people from different cultures has become a daily matter, we do not have so much opportunities to learn about cultures and how to cope with differences. In fact, 70-75% of cross-cultural mergers, alliances and joint ventures are still unsuccessful or have serious cultural conflicts. Our programs also cover the reasons and the solutions for these problems but also how to prevent them.
Typical problems
- Contents of contracts
- Setting meeting, business trip (attenders, timing, agenda)
- Head office function, HR function
- Extra work, activities out of work, etc.
- Report line, working attitude, relation with clients
- Assessments, evaluation, salary, premium
- Holiday, fringe benefit special treatment (family problem, study leave)
- Definition between private and work
- Admire people, criticize people - Harassment - hierarchy - model of good leaders, sales,
- how to treat emotions
■ Multi-cultural team building - how to make most of differences
What is the difference between a normal team and an excellent team? In order to form an excellent team, we begin to learn about thinking styles, to understand, enjoy and make most of our differences.
Thinking style is “habit of our brain “which determine how we gather information, how we give meanings, influence what we choose and how to behave. It affects our strong points but also the possibilities of conflicts among certain members and only knowing how they work, we can transform them into the wonderful complementary relationship.
And it is the combinations of thinking styles that form cultures. If we analyze cultures from this point of view, the cultural differences in our daily behaviors, communications, concepts and value we care for and management styles become very clear.
You can also discover how your personal culture looks like. It is surprising that very often you can discover a person from a different country is culturally much nearer to you than another from the same country. Through a very unique exercise, we can also try some thinking styles you seldom use in your business.
1. Analyse your thinking styles individually
2. Analyse your thinking styles as group (corporate culture)
3. Cultures as combination of thinking styles – with daily examples
4. Exercise– commercial negotiation using thinking styles you seldom use
5. Question - How we can make use of it as a team?
■ Action & feedback loop– bringing what we discover into actions
Doing activities and games in open air, with certain difficulties or motive of conflicts, we will do an actual practice. Before starting, we will set up some important points and share roles.
After practice, feedbacks and reflection such as; Did we make most of everyone’s’ strong points in terms of thinking styles, did we think about our shared vision, what will I do better next time personally and as a team, etc.
1. Alignment as a team
2. Organizing activities in terms of a team
3. Activities
4. Feedback and reflections
■ Innovation
The mindset which creates innovations is something you can learn. A set of certain thinking styles are also needed. Both are a kind of a habit of your brain through which you imagine something, connect it to something else, develop it in a certain process and give it a form.
There is an environment where it is easy to have inspiration and encourage you to develop your ideas.
Here we create all these conditions to lead you to experience how innovation take place. We learn a lot also from big innovators in the world because actually there are some types of innovations.
● Innovation BASIC
● Innovation with New development
● Extension type
● Process development type
● Inspiration type
This program gives you a chance to discover which type of innovation can fit you and bring out your potential creativity, giving you some hints to create a good environment for stimulate people.