The difference creates new values

■ Communication & Emotions
【Communication science】
One of the most important thing for our social life, in private and at work, must be communication. Even though you have a wonderful technology and strategy, if you had not have a good communication skills, your business could not work out.
But unfortunately schools do not teach you so much about communication. Do you know which communication style you usually use? Why do you understand one person very easily and another one with so much difficulty?
The Communication Science Program is a 3-step approach to learning to be a professional in communication.
1. Learn the base of communication from the standpoint of human science
2. Explore your communication (each has his own) and learn also other styles Try other styles and widen your flexibility in communication.
3. Apply them in various situations.
【Emotional Science】
The quality of your life is determined by emotions. In private and in business Emotion has such a big role for your success and happiness. For example;
◆Motivation, motivation is → emotion
◆ Market wants to be healed, respected, relieved → emotion
◆ What finally makes you decide or change is → emotion
◆ Resistance or conflict that impedes change → emotion
◆ people ultimately want in life, happiness, satisfaction, peace → emotion
◆ Lack of humanity, sickness, and depression are problem caused by emotions
Emotions are important but it is also very personal, hard to treat. So it is a great idea if you know about them and become able to handle them for your favor. (Not become a victim) The Emotional Science Program is a 3-step approach to learning to be a professional in emotions.
1. Analyse emotions using human science, learn how emotions occur,
2. Explore your unique emotion mechanism (each has his own) and learn how to use it for your favour. Learn also others’ mechanism.
3. Turn them into techniques and apply them in various situations.
■ Management by aptitude
It used to be a common practice that managers or supervisors trained their staff to meet to their business activities in traditional human resources management however it has been noticed its limit in performance and in efficiency in front of various challenges we are facing; such as low growth in economy, aging population, ecological problems, difficulty to manage all the staff of globalized and complicated organizations furthermore excellent human resources highly likely leave organizations.
Management by aptitude means also talent management. The meaning of “talent” used to be only limited to people who have excellent talent but recently it has been changed to “each person has own talent, originality and strength” and adapted to management to make the best out of all the staff. That is “management by aptitude”. So how can you measure aptitudes? Human Skills Academy offers a very unique and simple tool for measuring aptitudes;Kaleido Compass.
Kaleido Compass reveals your thinking styles; your personal way (habit of brain) of perceiving the world and understanding how your specific characteristics influence your everyday relationships in private and at work. These are the filters that we use all the time, and often subconsciously, to interpret the world and understand what others want to tell us. Using Kaleidocompass, specifically its JOB version, you can discover your communication style, behavior pattern, motivation factors, and preferences.
For example the evaluation of a boss is made, firstly passing through his personal filters, from this limited information. Of course his experience and intuition are precious but these filters anyway affect his evaluation; it is explained why evaluation by another boss is sometimes so different from the former boss. Knowing how thinking works can help a lot to give a “fair” evaluation and give you the possibility to attribute a fit job to a fit person. For this reason, it is widely used also for recruitment and selecting stuffs for some specific roles.
■ Team building
It is no exaggeration to say that creating a functional team where members can demonstrate their strength is the key to success. At Human Skills Academy, we use has some programs with lot of insight and fun. Visualizing thinking styles and behavior patterns in terms of a team provides us to identify;
• Strength of each member and team
• Diagnosing problems in teams
• Showing potential solutions
• Optimizing teamwork
• Increasing job contentment It is also possible to predict the high level of conflict and prevent it in advance. After analyzing thinking styles, you will learn more about how to create an effective team suitable for your objectives through various type of practical exercises.
Overview of program (example)>
1. Discover thinking styles and behavior pattern at work and feedback
2. Analyze and share of personal and team results
3. Check team values and visions (depending on the situation)
4. Training of thinking styles
5. Action learning (outdoors)
6 Future action plans
■ Discovering your own company’s culture
What is happening in an organization that is performing poorly after the merger or consolidation, or the organization is not well organized or out of date?
In order to create a good organization and keep it going, it is first necessary to analyse the culture. Cultures that is invisible and unmeasurable can be visualized by combinations of thinking styles of its members.
Sometimes you will find out that most of the members in a group are routine oriented so that it is natural that they do not dare to change something. Or sometimes they tend to focus on concrete aspects so that they do not pay attention to sharing vision or long term objectives. You can understand where conflicts may occur and you can take some measure in anticipation.
And if you analyse details, you will notice what works well and what doesn’t, so that you can start working for improvement or if necessary for a good reform because every thinking style is not a character which seldom change, but a set of skills and habits you can change with some specific trainings.